SAXSpoint 5.0 SAXS/WAXS/GISAXS/RheoSAXS laboratory beamline

Anton Paar SAXS/WAXS/GISAXS/RheoSAXS laboratory beamline - SAXSpoint 5.0

SAXSpoint 5.0 is the ultimate SAXS/WAXS/GISAXS/RheoSAXS laboratory beamline with synchrotron detector technology for the highest resolution in a compact system. Benefit from Anton Paar’s brilliant SAXS system resolving nanostructures up to 620 nm. SAXSpoint 5.0 enables the utmost flexibility for analysis of almost any material under ambient and non-ambient conditions. Many additional optional features make SAXSpoint 5.0 ready for future applications up to the micrometer range (USAXS). Enjoy easy access to non-destructive investigations of materials’ properties via powerful software packages which enable automatic operation and data analysis.

If the SAXS/WAXS instrument was used in your research, please add the following statement to any presentation or publication acknowledgments:
"This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant Number: CBET 2018413"

Applications and Uses

  • determining size and shape of monodisperse macromolecules
  • measuring pore size
  • nanoparticle size distribution
  • distances of partially ordered materials
  • general characterization of micro- to nanoscale structure of particle systems (i.e. average particle size, shapes, distribution, and surface-to-volume ratio
  • samples can be solid, liquid or a mixture of both

In-Situ Experiment Capabilities

  • Temperature-controlled stages (-150 °C to 600 °C)
  • GISAXS stage with heating/cooling option (-150 °C to 500 °C)
  • Tensile Stage with heating/cooling option (-150 °C to 350 °C)
  • Humidity Stage
  • Temperature-controlled autosamplers for multiple samples(-150 °C to 350 °C)
  • RheoSAXS module
  • Shear Cell
  • ASX autosamplers for up to 192 liquid samples
  • Atmospheric condition: vacuum, air, inert gas, humidity, other reactive gases on request

Users Daytime Overnight
M-F: 5pm - 8am
Sat-Sun: All Day
On-Campus members $40.00 $20.00
Off-Campus Academic $61.60 $30.80
Industry $80.00 $40.00
Dr. Randy Polson Lab: 801-587-3108
Office: 801-587-0873

Specific Experiments Conducted with the use of the Anton-Paar SAXSPoint 5.0