Micromechanical Testing


  • High-resolution imaging and measurement of surface height features at angstrom scales
  • Quantitative measurement of sub-nanometer scale surface roughness
  • Easy instrument operation with the use of Bruker ScanAsyst™ and PeakForce™ tapping modes
  • Contact and tapping imaging modes
  • Magnetic force microscopy
  • Fluid cell imaging for biological samples
  • Special deep trench probe for high aspect ratio surface features

NANOINDENTER: Bruker Hysitron TI Premier

  • Measurement of material hardness, Young’s modulus, fracture toughness and other mechanical properties
  • Analysis of semiconductors, polymers, metals, thin films, and multiple layers
  • Identication of topographical features
  • Acquire additional information about the deformation in post-scanning, and measure quantitative RMS surface roughness
  • Maximum applicable load ~100 μN
  • Nanoscale mechanical and tribological behavior of materials at elevated temperatures up to 800°C
  • Optional inert gas flow over sample to prevent material oxidation at elevated temperature

PICOINDENTER: Bruker Hysitron PI89 for FEI Quanta SEM

  • Used for nanoindentation, tensile testing, pillar compression, cantilever bending, fracture, fatigue, dynamic testing, mechanical properties mapping
  • Intrinsic displacement actuation and displacement control from <1nm to 150µm
  • Load range from <1µN to 3.5N, and 78kHz
  • 1 nm encoded linear stages provide greater repeatability during automated testing modes while increasing travel range
  • The uniquely low-current design of the transducer minimizes thermal drift and provides unprecedented load and displacement sensitivity

MTR-3-XR MICROTEST RIG SYSTEM: Micro Testing Solutions, LLC (MTSL)

  • Used for mechanical, electrical and thermal testing on microscale, mesoscale and nano-sized specimens
  • Experiment Modes: Tensile loading, compression, dynamic loading for fatigue testing
  • The test frame can be used inside the Quanta SEM, Teneo SEM and the Zeiss Xradia 620 microCT
  • Provides integrated control of deformation testing while doing imaging to allow simultaneous visualization of deformation behavior at the nanoscale level
  • Actuator travel: 150 micron, resolution: 1 nm
  • Load range +/- 2.5 N (250 g) with sensitivity <1 uN
  • Stage navigation: X=16 mm, Y,Z = 8 mm, step size: 10 nm, speed: 3 mm/sec (max)

DEBEN CT5000 5kN TENSILE/COMPRESSION STAGE for Zeiss Xradia Versa 620 NanoCT

  • Modular tensile & compression testing system used within the Zeiss Xradia µXCT system
  • Maximum load reading resolution, 1000:1 dynamic, 2000:1 static (of full scale range)
  • Simple specimen exchange mechanism with vitreous glassy carbon support tube, 3.0mm wall thickness (6.0mm in beam path)
  • Maximum extension 10mm (stroke can be set depending on customer requirements, default is (10-20mm tensile), (15-5mm compression) with compression platens fitted
  • Fixed loadcell with accuracy, 1% of full scale range up to 5kN
  • 10mm linear extensometer for position readout, resolution 300nm, linearity 1% of full scale
  • Fast gearbox with speed range 0.1mm/min to 1.0mm/min (Fast speed option available)
  • Optical encoder fitted to motor giving speed control accuracy better than 5%
  • heated jaws with temperature range from room temperature to +250°C