The Nanoscale imaging and Surface Analysis Lab offers a wide array of optical and electron imaging techniques that can provide resolution from sub-nanometer to millimeter scale:
Nanometer Scale Imaging
- ~1 nm – 100 nm: JEOL JEM 2800 STEM
- ~20 nm – 100 μm: Helios Nanolab 650, Quanta 600F SEM and FEI TENEO SEM
Micron Scale Imaging
- < 10 μm: Helios Nanolab 650 and Quanta 650F SEM
- > 10 μm: Keyence VHX-5000 Optical Microscope
3D Topographic Imaging
- < 50 μm field of view: Bruker Icon AFM (<5 μm height feature)
- > 50 μm field of view: Keyence VHX-5000 Optical Microscope

Bruker Dimension Icon AFM
3D Tomographic Imaging
- 5 μm X 5 μm area with 10 nm thin sections: Helios Nanolab 650
- Sub 1 nm features: STEM imaging tomography on JEOL JEM 2800
- Sub 5 nm resolution: STEM/EDS tomography for 3D elemental mapping on JEOL JEM 2800
Nanoscale imaging in Liquid media
JEOL JEM 2800 with the use of Poseidon liquid cell TEM holder (for more information on the Protochips Poseidon select cell holder go to

Protochips In-situ Liquid Cell Holder