Micro-Test Rig (Model MTR-3-XR) Microtesting Solutions LLC

The µTest Rig (µTR) is a system for conducting various mechanical experiments on small-scale specimens within the Quanta SEM, the Teneo SEM and the Zeiss X-Radia x-ray microscope. It provides integrated control of deformation testing and image acquisition in a manual or automated manner to allow simultaneous visualization of deformation behavior at the micro- or nano-scale.

Features and Capabilities

  • Used for mechanical, electrical and thermal testing on microscale, mesoscale and nano-sized specimens
  • Experiment Modes: Tensile loading, compression, dynamic loading for fatigue testing
  • The test frame can be used inside the Quanta SEM, Teneo SEM and the Zeiss Xradia 620 microCT
  • Provides integrated control of deformation testing while doing imaging to allow simultaneous visualization of deformation behavior at the nanoscale level
  • Actuator travel: >150 micron, resolution: 1 nm
  • Load range +/- 2.5 N (250 g) with sensitivity <0.25 uN
  • Stage navigation: X=16 mm, Y,Z=8 mm; step size: 10 nm; speed: 3 mm/sec (max)

Uses and Applications

  • micro Pillar compression
  • Tensile tests on dog bone structures
  • fracture, fatigue, dynamic testing
  • three-point bending


The Microtest rig's rate will be charged on the main instrument used to image the sample.  Check rates for Quanta SEM, Teneo SEM, and Zeiss Xradia microscope.


Dr. Paulo Perez Lab: 801-587-3108
Office: 801-581-6855