
These are the articles published with the help of instruments from the Nanoimaging and Surface Analysis Lab.

  1. Mousavi, A.; Zhao, B.; Wang, T.; Wang, P.; Pan, S. Electrochemistry-informed dealloying for strong and crack-free porous Cu with Sc-induced intermetallic phase modification. Materials Today Communications 2025, 43, 111726.
  2. Ma, S.; Zhao, B.; Pan, S.; Shen, X.; Yin, Y. Quantify strengthening and weakening factors in molybdenum fabricated by laser powder bed fusion (LPBF) with a revisit of its oxygen sensitivity. Materials Science and Engineering: A 2025, 925, 147856.
  3. Zhao, B.; Luo, Z.; Yin, N.; Zhang, Z.; Zhang, X.; Zhou, C.; Wang, S.; Fang, Z.; Zhou, D.; Wang, T.; et al. Al3Zr nanophase-enabled anti-corrosion mechanisms in high-strength Al alloy by scalable micro-alloying design. Journal of Materials Science 2024, 59 (26), 12029-12049.
  4. Payne, J., Nyholm, P., Beazer, R., Eddy, J., Stevenson, H., Ferguson, B., Schultz,S., Nielson, G.Fabrication of high aspect ratio, non-line-of-sight vias in silicon carbide by a two-photon absorption method. Sci. Rep. 2024, 14 (2176).
  5. Erskine, A. N.; Jin, J.; Lin, C.-L.; Miller, J. D.; Wang, S. 3D imaging of leach columns from Rochester mine for pore network characteristics and permeability simulated by the Lattice Boltzmann Method. Hydrometallurgy 2024, 228, 106365.
  1. Wang, Y.; Nag, S.; III, H. M. M.; Newell, P.; Tiley, J. S. Impact of titanium content on the thermo-mechanical and oxidation response of TiAlTa. J. Alloys Compd. 2024, 973.
  2. Silvia, P. J.; Collins, S.; LeCompte, M. A.; Costa, L.; Howard, G. A.; Kennett, J. P.; Moore, C. R.; Kletetschka, G.; Adedeji, A. V.; Hermes, R. E.; et al. Modeling how a Powerful Airburst destroyed Tall el-Hammam, a Middle Bronze Age city near the Dead Sea. Airbursts and Cratering Impacts 2024, 2 (1).
  3. Moore, C. R.; LeCompte, M. A.; Kennett, J. P.; Brooks, M. J.; Firestone, R. B.; Ivester, A. H.; Ferguson, T. A.; Lane, C. S.; Duernberger, K. A.; Feathers, J. K.; et al. Platinum, shock-fractured quartz, microspherules, and meltglass widely distributed in Eastern USA at the Younger Dryas onset (12.8 ka). Airbursts and Cratering Impacts 2024, 2 (1).
  4. Kennon, B., Niedermeyer, W. EVQ-218: Characterization of High-Energy Nanoparticles that Measure up to NIST Standards. ACS Omega 2024, 9 (7), 7891-7903.
  5. Scarpulla, M. A.; McCandless, B.; Phillips, A. B.; Yan, Y.; Heben, M. J.; Wolden, C.; Xiong, G.; Metzger, W. K.; Mao, D.; Krasikov, D.; et al. CdTe-based thin film photovoltaics: Recent advances, current challenges and future prospects. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 2023, 255, 112289.
  6. Cooke, J.; Ranga, P.; Bhattacharyya, A.; Cheng, X.; Wang, Y.; Krishnamoorthy, S.; Scarpulla, M. A.; Sensale-Rodriguez, B. Sympetalous defects in metalorganic vapor phase epitaxy (MOVPE)-grown homoepitaxial β-Ga2O3 films. Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A: Vacuum, Surfaces, and Films 2023, 41 (1), 013406.
  7. Alnaser, H. F.; Smith, S. J.; Sparks, T. D. Structural investigations of the Bi2–xSbxTe3–ySey topological insulator. Journal of Solid State Chemistry 2023, 320, 123868. DOI:
  8. Zhou, C.; Li, K.; Huang, T.; Sun, P.; Wang, L.; Lu, Y.; Zak Fang, Z. In situ formation of nanocrystalline MgH2 through room temperature hydrogenation. Materials and Design 2022, 218. DOI:
  9. Wang, Q.; Guesmi, H.; Tingry, S.; Cornu, D.; Holade, Y.; Minteer, S. D. Unveiling the Pitfalls of Comparing Oxygen Reduction Reaction Kinetic Data for Pd-Based Electrocatalysts without the Experimental Conditions of the Current–Potential Curves. ACS Energy Letters 2022, 7 (3), 952–957. DOI:
  10. Mohammed, A. K.; Al Khoori, A. A.; Addicoat, M. A.; Varghese, S.; Othman, I.; Abi Jaoude, M.; Polychronopoulou, K.; Baias, M.; Abu Haija, M.; Shetty, D. Solvent-Influenced Fragmentations in Free-Standing Three-Dimensional Covalent Organic Framework Membranes for Hydrophobicity Switching. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2022, 61 (13). DOI:
  11. Mohammapdour, R.; Ghandehari, H. Mechanisms of immune response to inorganic nanoparticles and their degradation products. Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews 2022, 180. DOI:
  12. Isaacson, K. J.; Van Devener, B.; Steinhauff, D. B.; Jensen, M. M.; Cappello, J.; Ghandehari, H. Liquid-cell transmission electron microscopy for imaging of thermosensitive recombinant polymers. Journal of Controlled Release 2022, 344, 39-49. DOI: 10.1016/j.jconrel.2022.02.019.
  13. Cooke, J.; Ranga, P.; Jesenovec, J.; McCloy, J. S.; Krishnamoorthy, S.; Scarpulla, M. A.; Sensale-Rodriguez, B. Effect of extended defects on photoluminescence of gallium oxide and aluminum gallium oxide epitaxial films. Scientific Reports 2022, 12, 3243. DOI:
  14. Brindle, J.; Sufyan, S. A.; Nigra, M. M. Support, composition, and ligand effects in partial oxidation of benzyl alcohol using gold–copper clusters. Catal. Sci. Technol. 2022, 12, 3846-3855. DOI: 10.1039/D2CY00137C.
  15. Brindle, J.; Nigra, M. M. The role of water and copper oxide in methane oxidation using AuPd nanoparticle catalysts. Chemical Engineering Journal 2022, 446. DOI:
  16. Baskaran, K.; Ali, M.; Riley, B. J.; Bates, J. S.; Zharov, I.; Carlson, K. Membrane synthesis via in-situ pore formation in silica gels through dynamic miscibility with soybean oil. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 2022, 636 (5). DOI:
  17. Ogle, J.; Lahiri, N.; Jaye, C.; Tassone, C.J.; Fischer, D.A.; Louie, J.; Whittaker-Brooks, L. Semiconducting to Metallic Electronic Landscapes in Defects Controlled Two-Dimensional π-d Conjugated Coordination Polymer Thin Films Adv. Funct. Mater, 2021, 31, 2006920.
  18. Brindle, J; Nigra, M.M. Compensation Effect Exhibitied by Gold Bimetallic Nanoparticles during CO Oxidation, ACS Omega; 2021, 6, 24269-24279.
  19. Khurana, N.; Yathavan, B.; Jedrzkiewicz; J.; Gill, A.S.; Pulsipher, A.; Alt, J.A.; Ghandehari, H., Vascular Permeability in Chronic Rhinosinusitis Enhances Accumulation and Retention of Nanoscale Pegylated Liposomes, Nanomedicine; 2021, 38, 102453.
  20. Khurana, N.; Pulsipher, A.; Jedrzkiewicz, J.; Ashby, S.; Pollard, C.E.; Ghandehari, H.; Alt, J.A. Inflammation-Driven Vascular Dysregulation in Chronic Rhinosinusitis, Int. Forum Allergy Rhinol.; 2021, 11, 976-983.
  21. Eisner, B.A.; Ranga, P.; Bhattacharyya, A.; Krishnamoorthy, S.; Scarpulla, M.A. Compensation in (201) Homoepitaxial β-Ga2O3 Thin Films Grown by Metalorganic Vapor-Phase Epitaxy, J. Appl. Phys.; 2020, 128, 195703.
  22. Malik, H.; Sarkar, S.; Mohanty, S.; Carlson, K. Modelling and Synthesis of Magnéli Phases in Ordered Titanium Oxide Nanotubes with Preserved Morphology, Sci. Rep. 2020, 10, 8050
  23. Malik, H.; Barrera, K.; Mohanty, S.; Carlson, K. Enhancing Electrochemical Properties of TiO2 Nanotubes via Engineered Defect Laden Crystal Structures, Mater. Lett. 2020, 273, 127956
  24. Murali, A.; Sarswat, P.; Perez, J.P.L.; Free, M.L. Synergetic Effect of Surface Plasmon Resonance and Schottky Junction in Ag-AgX-ZnO-rGO (X= Cl & Br) Nanocomposite for Enhanced Visible-Light Driven Photocatalysis, Colloid Surface A 2020, 595, 124684
  25. Cooke, J.; Ghadbeigi, L.; Sun, R.; Battacharyya, A.; Wang, Y.; Scarpulla, M.A.; Krishnamoorthy, S.; Sensale-Rodriguez; B. Synthesis and Characterization of Large‐Area Nanometer‐Thin β‐Ga2O3 Films from Oxide Printing of Liquid Metal Gallium, Phys. Status Solidi A 2020, 217, 1901007
  26. Lim, K.; Macazo, F.C.; Scholes, C.; Chen, H.; Sumampong, K.; Minteer, S.D. Elucidating the Mechanism Behind the Bionanomanufacturing of Gold Nanoparticles Using Bacillus Subtilis, ACS Appl. Bio Mater. 2020
  27. Naleway, S.E.; Thomas, V.; Restrepo, D.; Schneipp, H.C. Advanced Manufacturing for Biomaterials and Biological Materials, Part II, JOM 2020, 72 1432-1434
  28. Okabe, P.; Newton, M.; Rappleye, D.; Simpson, M.F. Gas-solid Reaction Pathway for Chlorination of Rare Earth and Actinide Metals Using Hydrogen and Chlorine Gas, J. Nucl. Mater. 2020, 534, 152156
  29. Hawkins, C.G.; Verma, A.; Horbinski, W.; Weeks, R.; Mukherjee, P.P.; Whittaker-Brooks, L. Decreasing the Ion Diffusion Pathways for the Intercalation of Multivalent Cations into One-Dimensional TiS2 Nanobelt  Arrays, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2020, 12, 21788-21798
  30. Magginetti, D.J.; Aguiar, J.; Yoon, H.P. Structural and Compositional Properties of Recrystallized CdS/CdTe Thin-Films Grown on Oxidized Silicon Substrates, Micros. Microanal. 2019, 25, 2166-2167
  31. Flannery, L.; Galvez, H.; Nimens, W.; Rahman, A.A.; Whittaker-Brooks, L. WWMOD? What Would Metal Oxides Do?: Redefining Their Applicability in Today’s Energy Technologies, Polyhedron 2019, 170, 334-358
  32. Robinson, D.A.; White, H.S. Electrochemical Synthesis of Individual Core@Shell and Hollow Ag/Ag2S Nanoparticles, Nano Lett. 2019, 19, 5612-5619
  33. Wang, Y.; Van Devener, B.; Wendt, J.O.L. High Resolution STEM/EDX Spectral Imaging to Resolve Metal Distributions Within ∼100 nm Combustion Generated Ash Particles, Aerosol Sci. Tech. 2019, 53, 783-792
  34. Murali, A.; Lan, Y.P.; Sohn, H.Y. Effect of Oxygen Vacancies in Non-Stoichiometric Ceria on its Photocatalytic Properties, Nanostructructures and Nano-objects 2019, 18, 100257
  35. Bornstein, M.; Parker, D.M.; Quast, A.D.; Shumaker-Parry; J.S., Zharov, I. Reaction Conditions‐Dependent Formation of Catalytically Active Palladium Complexes or Palladium Nanoparticles on a Silica Support, ChemCatChem 2019, 11, 4360-4367
  36. Magginetti, D.J.; Aguiar, J.A.; Winger, J.W.; Scarpulla, M.A.; Pourshaban, E.; Yoon, H.P.  Water‐Assisted Liftoff of Polycrystalline CdS/CdTe Thin Films Using Heterogeneous Interfacial Engineering, Adv. Mater. Interfaces, 2019, 6, 1900300
  37. Mohammadpour, R.; Yazdimamaghani, M.; Reilly, C.A.; Ghandehari, H. Transient Receptor Potential Ion Channel-Dependent Toxicity of Silica Nanoparticles and Poly(amido Amine) Dendrimers, J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther. 2019, 370, 751-760
  38. Moghaddam, S.P.H.; Mohammadpour, R.; and Ghandehari, H. In Vitro and In Vivo Evaluation of Degradation, Toxicity, Biodistribution, and Clearance of Silica Nanoparticles as a Function of Size, Porosity, Density, and Composition, J. Control. Release 2019, 311-312, 1-15
  39. Mohammadpour, R.; Yazdimamaghani, M.; Cheney, D.L.; Jedrzkiewicz, J.; Ghandehari, H.  Subchronic Toxicity of Silica Nanoparticles as a Function of Size and Porosity J. Control. Release, 2019, 304 216-232
  40. Murali, A.; Lan, Y.P.; Sarswat, P.K.; Free, M.L. Synthesis of CeO2/Reduced Graphene Oxide Nanocomposite for Electrochemical Determination of Ascorbic Acid and Dopamine and for Photocatalytic Applications, Mater. Today Chem. 2019, 12, 222-232
  41. Jackson, M.D.; Couper, S.; Stan, C.V.; Ivarsson, M.; Czabaj, M.W.; Tamura, N.; Parkinson, D.; Miyagi, L.M.; Moore, J.G. Authigenic Mineral Texture in Submarine 1979 Basalt Drill Core, Surtsey Volcano, Iceland, Geochem. Geophys. 2019, 20, 3751-3773
  42. Du, J.; Jindal, V.; Sanders, A.P.; Chandran, K.S.R. CALPHAD-Guided Alloy Design and Processing for Improved Strength and Toughness in Titanium Boride (TiB) Ceramic Alloy Containing a Ductile Phase, Acta Mater. 2019,171, 18-30
  43. Wasnik, M.S.; Grant, A.K.; Carlson, K.; Simpson, M.F.Dechlorination of Molten Chloride Waste Salt from Electrorefining via Ion-Exchange Using Pelletized Ultra-Stable H-Y Zeolite in a Fluidized Particle ReactorJ. Radioanal. Nucl. Chem. 2019, 320, 309-322
  44. Nelson, I.; Ogden, T.A.; Khateeb, S.A.; Graser, J., Sparks, T.D., Abbott, J.J., Naleway, S.E.Freeze-Casting of Surface-Magnetized Iron(II,III) Oxide Particles in a Uniform Static Magnetic Field Generated by a Helmholtz Coil.Adv. Eng. Mater.
    2019,21, 1801092(1-11)
  45. Misra, S.; Aguiar, J.; Sun, Y.; Van Devener, B.; Palekis, V.; Ferekides, C.; Yoon, H.; Bermel, P.; Scarpulla, M.Observation and Implications of Composition Inhomogeneity Along Grain Boundaries in Thin Film Polycrystalline CdTe Photovoltaic Devices. Adv. Mater. Interfaces 2019, 6, 1900152(1-8)
  46. Wang, Y.; Van Devener; B., Li, X.; Wendt, J. High Resolution STEM/EDX Spectral Imaging to Resolve Metal Distributions Within ~100 nm Combustion Generated Ash Particles. Aerosol Sci. Tech. 2019, 53, 783-792.
  47. Tiwari, A.; Saini, S.; Tian, K.; Yaddanapudi, H.S.; Yin, Y. High-Performance Terbium-Based Thermoelectric Materials. U.S. Patent US20180130936A1, May 10, 2018.
  48. Yi, G.; Sun, B.; Poplawsky, J.D.; Zhu, Y.; Free, M. Investigation of Pre-existing Particles in Al 5083 Alloys. J. Alloy Compd. 2018, 740, 461-469.
  49. Van Devener, B.; Vollmer, A.; Youssef, N. Resolving the Calcium and Phosphorus Distribution in Casein Micelles in Bovine Milk: an in situ STEM/EDX Study as Applied to Hydrated Materials in Food Science. Microscopy and Microanalysis Conference, Baltimore, MD, Aug. 2018, M&M Conference Proceedings, 24, 1204-1205.
  50. Kilcoyne, C.; Ali, A.; AlSaqqa, A.; Rahman, A.A.; Whittaker-Brooks, L.; Sambandamurthy, G., Gate-Tunable Transport Characteristics of Bi2S3 Nanowire Transistors. Solid State Commun. 2018, 270, 135-139.
  51. Datta, S.; Misra, S.K.; Saha, M.L.; Lahiri, N.; Louie, J.; Pan, D.; Stang, P.J. Orthogonal Self-Assembly of an Organoplatinum(II) Metallacycle and Cucurbit[8]uril that Delivers Curcumin to Cancer Cells. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 2018, 115, 8087-8092.
  52. Mao J.; Wang Y.; Appusamy S.; Guruswamy S.; Blair S. Effect of Ga Implantation and Hole Geometry on Light Transmission through Nanohole Arrays in Al and Mg. J. Phys. Chem. C 2018, 122, 10535-10544.
  53. Vadlamani, B.S.; Jagannathan, M.; Ravi Chandran, K.S. Silicon with Columnar Microporous Architecture for Ultrahigh Total Energy-Storage Capacity and with Highly Reversible Lithiation Performance. ACS App. Energy Mater. 2017, 1, 993-1001.
  54. Yin, Y.; Saini, S.; Magginetti, D.; Tian, K.; Tiwari, A. Thermoelectric Response of Porous Ca3Co4O9 Prepared by an Eco-Friendly Technique. Ceram. Int. 2017, 43, 9505-9511.
  55. Hadipour Moghaddam, S.P.; Saikia, J.; Yazdimamaghani, M.; Ghandehari, H. Redox-Responsive Polysulfide-Based Biodegradable Organosilica Nanoparticles for Delivery of Bioactive Agents.ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2017, 9, 21133-21146.
  56. Ault, A.K.; Jensen, J.L.; McDermott, R.G.; Van Devener, B.R.; Shen, F-A. Nano-scale Evidence for Dynamic Weakening and Healing During an Earthquake on a Hematite Fault Mirror. The Geological Society of America Anual Meeting, Seattle, WA, Oct. 2017, Conference Presentation, Paper No. 320-14.
  57. Xia, Y.; Fang, Z.Z.; Sun, P.; Zhang, Y.; Zhang, T.; Free, M. The Effect of Molten Salt on Oxygen Removal from Titanium and its Alloys Using Calcium. J. Mat. Sci. 2017, 52, 4120-4128.
  58. Yi, G.; Cullen, D.A.; Littrell, K.C.; Golumbfskie, W.; Sundberg, E.; Free, M. Characterization of Al-Mg Alloys Aged at Low Temperatures. Metall. Trans. A, 2017, 48, 2040-2050.
  59. Yi, G.; Littrell, B.; Poplawsky, J.D.; Cullen, D.A.; Sundberg, E.; Free, M. Characterization of the Effects of Different Tempers and Aging Temperatures on the Precipitation Behavior of Al-Mg (5.25 at.%)-Mn Alloys. Mater. Des. 2017, 118, 22-35.
  60. Sarswat, P.K.; Sarkar, S.; Yi, G.; Free, M. Phosphorus-Doped SnTe-Type Needle-like Crystals: Band Structure Modifications and Electronic Properties. J. Phys. Chem. C 2017, 121, 18263-18273.
  61. Yi, G.; Zeng, W.; Poplawsky, J.D.; Cullen, D.A.; Wang, Z.; Free, M. Characterizing and Modeling the Precipitation of Mg-rich Phases in Al 5xxx Alloys Aged at Low Temperatures. J. Mater. Sci. Tech. 2017, 33, 991-1003.
  62. Yi, G.; Free, M. Accounting for Alloy Variability in Al 5xxx Sensitization Prediction. Department of Defense – Allied Nations Technical Corrosion Conference, Birmingham, AL, Aug. 2017, Conference Proceedings, Paper No. 2017-471811
  63. Yoon, Y.; Chae, J.; Katzenmeyer, A.M.; Yoon, H.P.; Schumacher, J.; An, S.; Centrone, A.; Zhitenev, N. Nanoscale Imaging and Spectroscopy of Band Gap and Defects in Polycrystalline Photovoltaic Devices. Nanoscale 2017, 9, 7771-7780.
  64. Han, G.; Jin, Y.-H.; Burgess, R.A.; Dickenson, N.E.; Cao, X.-M.; Sun, Y. Visible-Light-Driven Valorization of Biomass Intermediates Integrated with H2 Production Catalyzed by Ultrathin Ni/CdS Nanosheets. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2017, 139, 15584-15587.
  65. You, B.; Liu, X.; Hu, G.; Gul, S.; Yano, J.; Jiang, D.; Sun, Y. Universal Surface Engineering of Transition Metals for Superior Electrocatalytic Hydrogen Evolution in Neutral Water. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2017, 139, 12283-12290.
  66. Degrauw, A.; Armstrong, R.; Rahman, A.A.; Ogle, J.; Whittaker-Brooks, L. Catalytic Growth of Vertically-Aligned SnS/SnS2 p-n Heterojunctions. Mater. Res. Express 2017, 4, 094002.
  67. Yu, J.; Boatz, J.A.; Tang, X.; Hicks, Z.; Bowen, K.H.; Anderson, S.L. Borane–Aluminum Surface Interactions: Enhanced Fracturing and Generation of Boron–Aluminum Core–Shell Nanoparticles. J. Phys. Chem. C 2017, 121, 14176-14190.
  68. Tiwari, A.; Saini, S.; Tian, K.; Yaddanapudi, H.S.; Yin, Y. High-Performance Terbium-Based Thermoelectric Materials. U.S. Patent US 2018/0130936 A1
  69. Saini, S.; Yaddanapudi, H.S.; Tian, K.; Yin, Y.; Magginetti, D.; Tiwari, A. Terbium Ion Doping in Ca3Co4O9: A Step towards High-Performance Thermoelectric Materials. Sci. Rep. 2017, 7, 44621(1-9).
  70. Ren, C.; Koopman, M.; Fang, Z.Z.; Zhang, H.; Van Devener, B. A Study on the Sintering of Ultrafine Grained Tungsten with Ti-based Additives. Int. J. Refract. Metals Hard Mater. 2017, 65, 2-8.
  71. Lahiri, N.; Lotfizadeh, N.; Tsuchikawa, R.; Deshpande, V.V.; Louie, J. Hexaaminobenzene as a Building Block for a Family of 2D Coordination Polymers. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2017, 139, 19−22.
  72. Lan, Y.-P.; Sohn, H.Y.; Mohassab, Y.; Liu, Q.; Xu, B. Nanoceria Synthesis in the KCl-LiCl Salt System: Crystal Formation and Properties. J. Am. Ceram. Soc. 2017, 100, 1863-1875.
  73. Yaddanapudi, H.S.; Tian, K.; Teng, S.; Tiwari, A. Facile Preparation of Nickel/Carbonized Wood Nanocomposite for Environmentally Friendly Supercapacitor Electrodes. Sci. Rep. 2016, 6, 33659(1-9).
  74. Rahman, A.A.; Huang, R.; Whittaker-Brooks, L. Distinctive Extrinsic Atom Effects on the Structural, Optical, and Electronic Properties of Bi2S3-xSex Solid Solutions. Chem. Mater. 2016, 28, 6544–6552.
  75. Holade, Y.; Hickey, D.P.; and Minteer, S.D.; Halide-Regulated Growth of Electrocatalytic Metal Nanoparticles Directly onto a Carbon Paper Electrode. J. Mater. Chem. A 2016, 4, 17154-17162.
  76. Swartz, M.; Rodriguez, M.; Quast, A.D.; Cooper, C.T.; Blair, S.; Shumaker-Parry, J.S.Aluminum Nanocrescent Plasmonic Antennas Fabricated by Copper Mask Nanosphere Template Lithography. J. Phys. Chem. C. 2016, 120, 20597-20603.
  77. Van Devener, B.; McIlwrath, K.J.; Kim, S.; Fang, Z.Z. Automated 3D EDS Acquisition for Spatially Resolved Elemental Characterization of Catalyzed MgH2 Nanostructures. Proceedings, Microsc. Microanal. 2016, 22, 276-277.
  78. Quast, A.D.; Bornstein, M.; Greydanus, B.J.; Zharov, I.; Shumaker-Parry, J.S. Robust Polymer-Coated Diamond Supports for Noble-Metal Nanoparticle Catalysts. ACS Catal. 2016, 6, 4729-4738.
  79. Saji, K.J.; Tian, K.; Snure, M.; Tiwari, A. 2D Tin Monoxide—An Unexplored p‐Type van der Waals Semiconductor: Material Characteristics and Field Effect Transistors. Adv. Electron. Mater. 2016, 2, 1500453(1-9).
  80. Smith, Y. R.; Bhattacharya, D.; Mohanty, S. K.; Misra, M. Anodic Functionalization of Titania Nanotube Arrays for the Electrochemical Detection of Tuberculosis Biomarker Vapors. J. Electrochem. Soc. 2016, 163, B83-B89.
  81. You, B.; Yujie S. Chalcogenide and Phosphide Solid‐State Electrocatalysts for Hydrogen Generation. ChemPlusChem 2016, 81, 1-12.
  82. von Weber, A.; Baxter, E.T.; White, H.S.; Anderson, S.L. Cluster Size Controls Branching between Water and Hydrogen Peroxide Production in Electrochemical Oxygen Reduction at Ptn/ITO. J. Phys. Chem. C 2015, 119, 11160-11170.
  83. Zhou, C.; Fang, Z.Z; Bowman, R.C.Jr.; Xia, Y.; Lu, J.; Luo, X.; Ren, Y. Stability of Catalyzed Magnesium Hydride Nanocrystalline During Hydrogen Cycling. Part II: Microstructure Evolution. J. Phys. Chem. C 2015, 119, 22272–22280.
  84. You, B.; Jiang, N.; Sheng, M.; Drisdell, W.S.; Yano, J.; Sun, Y. Bimetal-Organic Framework Self-Adjusted Synthesis of Support-Free Nonprecious Electrocatalysts for Efficient Oxygen Reduction. ACS Catal. 2015, 5, 7068−7076.
  85. Park, J.; Porter, M.D.; Granger, M.C. Silica Encapsulation of Ferrimagnetic Zinc Ferrite Nanocubes Enabled by Layer-by-Layer Polyelectrolyte Deposition. Langmuir 2015, 31, 3537–3545.
Low-Voltage SEM imaging, EBSD (FEI Teneo)
  1. Wang, Y.; Nag, S.; III, H. M. M.; Newell, P.; Tiley, J. S. Impact of titanium content on the thermo-mechanical and oxidation response of TiAlTa. J. Alloys Compd. 2024, 973.
  2. Silvia, P. J.; Collins, S.; LeCompte, M. A.; Costa, L.; Howard, G. A.; Kennett, J. P.; Moore, C. R.; Kletetschka, G.; Adedeji, A. V.; Hermes, R. E.; et al. Modeling how a Powerful Airburst destroyed Tall el-Hammam, a Middle Bronze Age city near the Dead Sea. Airbursts and Cratering Impacts 2024, 2 (1).
  3. Moore, C. R.; LeCompte, M. A.; Kennett, J. P.; Brooks, M. J.; Firestone, R. B.; Ivester, A. H.; Ferguson, T. A.; Lane, C. S.; Duernberger, K. A.; Feathers, J. K.; et al. Platinum, shock-fractured quartz, microspherules, and meltglass widely distributed in Eastern USA at the Younger Dryas onset (12.8 ka). Airbursts and Cratering Impacts 2024, 2 (1).
  4. Beal, R., Salehi, S., Kingstedt, O. Additively manufactured Ti-6Al-4V microstructure tailoring for improved fatigue life performance. Fatigue Fract. Eng. Mater. Struct. 2024, 47 (7), 2599-2615.
  5. Salehi, S.-D.; Kingstedt, O. Critical assessment and demonstration of high-emissivity coatings for improved infrared signal quality for Taylor–Quinney coefficient experimentation. Int. J. Impact Eng. 2023, 178, 104593.
  6. Salehi, S.-D.; Beal, R.; Kingstedt, O. T. Dynamic behavior and thermomechanical characterization of laser powder bed fusion and wrought Ti–6Al–4V. Int. J. Impact Eng. 2023, 176, 104552.
  7. Moore, A. M. T.; Kennett, J. P.; LeCompte, M. A.; Moore, C. R.; Li, Y.-Q.; Kletetschka, G.; Langworthy, K.; Razink, J. J.; Brogden, V.; Devener, B. v.; et al. Abu Hureya, Syria, Part 1: Shock-fractured quartz grains support 12,800-year-old cosmic airburst at the Younger Dryas onset. Airbursts and Cratering Impacts 2023, 1 (1).
  8. Lawrence, E., Huai, X., Kim, D., Avdeev, M., Chen, Y., Skorupskii, G., Miura, A., Ferrenti, A., Waibel, M., Kawaguchi, S., Ng, N., Kaman, B., Cai, Z., Schoop, L., Kushwaha, S., Liu, F., Tran, T., Ji, H. Fe Site Order and Magnetic Properties of Fe1/4NbS2. Inorg. Chem. 2023, 62 (44), 18179-18188.
  9. Hermes, R. E.; Wenk, H.-R.; Kennett, J. P.; Bunch, T. E.; Moore, C. R.; LeCompte, M. A.; Kletetschka, G.; Adedeji, A. V.; Langworthy, K.; Razink, J. J.; et al. Microstructures in shocked quartz: linking nuclear airbursts and meteorite impacts. Airbursts and Cratering Impacts 2023, 1 (1).
Focused Ion Beam (FIB) Sample Preparation and SEM imaging (Helios Nanolab 650)
  1. Qiao, T.; Bordoloi, P.; Miyashita, T.; Dionne, J. A.; Tang, M. L. Tuning the Chiral Growth of Plasmonic Bipyramids via the Wavelength and Polarization of Light. Nano Letters 2024, 24 (8), 2611-2618.
  2. Payne, J., Nyholm, P., Beazer, R., Eddy, J., Stevenson, H., Ferguson, B., Schultz,S., Nielson, G. . Fabrication of high aspect ratio, non-line-of-sight vias in silicon carbide by a two-photon absorption method. Sci. Rep. 2024, 14 (2176).
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  5. Chernyshev, V. S.; Chuprov-Netochin, R. N.; Tsydenzhapova, E.; Van Devener, B.; Leonov, S.; Gorin, D.; Skliar, M. Dynamic surface tension probe for measuring the concentration of extracellular vesicles. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 2022, 609, 189-194. DOI: 10.1016/j.bbrc.2022.04.017.
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Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy (EDS), Electron Backscatter Diffraction (EBSD) (FEI Quanta 600F)
  1. Qiao, T.; Bordoloi, P.; Miyashita, T.; Dionne, J. A.; Tang, M. L. Tuning the Chiral Growth of Plasmonic Bipyramids via the Wavelength and Polarization of Light. Nano Letters 2024, 24 (8), 2611-2618.
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  7. Pourshaban, E.; Banerjee, A.; Karkhanis, M. U.; Deshpande, A.; Ghosh, C.; Kim, H.; Mastrangelo, C. H. Eye Tear Activated Mg-Air Battery Driven by Natural Eye Blinking for Smart Contact Lenses. Advanced Materials Technologies 2023, 8 (1), 2200518 (2200511-2200510). DOI:
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  11. Cooke, J.; Ranga, P.; Bhattacharyya, A.; Cheng, X.; Wang, Y.; Krishnamoorthy, S.; Scarpulla, M. A.; Sensale-Rodriguez, B. Sympetalous defects in metalorganic vapor phase epitaxy (MOVPE)-grown homoepitaxial β-Ga2O3 films. Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A: Vacuum, Surfaces, and Films 2023, 41 (1), 013406.
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  13. Baral, P.; Zhang, X.; Garden, K.; Chakraborty, N.; Shen, L.; Cao, Z.; Gong, X.; Whittaker-Brooks, L.; Wang, H. Efficient and stable perovskite solar cells based on blade-coated CH3NH3PbI3 thin films fabricated using “green” solvents under ambient conditions. Organic Electronics 2023, 116, 106763.
  14. Xue, Q.; Zhang, L.; Mei, K.; Li, X.; Newell, P.; Wang, Y.; Cheng, X.; Zheng, W. CO2-induced evolution of chemical, structural and mechanical properties of reinforced concrete: A review. Construction and Building Materials 2022, 353, 129069. DOI:
  15. Stein, N.; Podder, A.; Weidhaas, J. L.; Goel, R. Simultaneous reduction of perchlorate and nitrate using fast-settling anoxic sludge. Chemosphere 2022, 286 (2022). DOI:
  16. Song, Y.; Bhattacharyya, A.; Karim, A.; Shoemaker, D.; Huang, H.-L.; Roy, S.; McGray, C.; Leach, J. H.; Hwang, J.; Krishnamoorthy, S.; et al. Ultra-Wide Band Gap Ga2O3-on-SiC MOSFETs. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces 2022, 15 (5), 7137-7147. DOI:
  17. Pourshaban, E.; Banerjee, A.; Karkhanis, M. U.; Deshpande, A.; Ghosh, C.; Kim, H.; Mastrangelo, C. H. Eye Tear Activated Mg-Air Battery Driven by Natural Eye Blinking for Smart Contact Lenses. Advanced Materials Technologies 2022, 8 (1). DOI:
  18. Pourshaban, E.; Banerjee, A.; Deshpande, A.; Ghosh, C.; Karkhanis, M. U.; Hasan, R.; Rock, N. D.; Kim, H.; Mastrangelo, C. H. Flexible and Semi-Transparent Silicon Solar Cells as a Power Supply to Smart Contact Lenses. ACS Applied Electronics Materials 2022, 4 (8), 4016–4022.
  19. Porter, D. L.; Naleway, S. E. Hyphal systems and their effect on the mechanical properties of fungal sporocarps. Acta Biomaterialia 2022, 145, 272-282. DOI:
  20. Porter, D. L.; Bradshaw, A. J.; Nielsen, R. H.; Newell, P.; Dentinger, B. T. M.; Naleway, S. E. The melanized layer of Armillaria ostoyae rhizomorphs: Its protective role and functions. Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials 2022, 125 (2022), 104934. DOI:
  21. Moon, J.; Diaz, V.; Patel, D.; Underwood, R.; Warren, R. Dissolvable conducting polymer supercapacitor for transient electronics. Organic Electronics 2022, 101. DOI:
  22. Mohammed, A. K.; Al Khoori, A. A.; Addicoat, M. A.; Varghese, S.; Othman, I.; Abi Jaoude, M.; Polychronopoulou, K.; Baias, M.; Abu Haija, M.; Shetty, D. Solvent-Influenced Fragmentations in Free-Standing Three-Dimensional Covalent Organic Framework Membranes for Hydrophobicity Switching. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2022, 61 (13). DOI:
  23. Jeyapalina, S.; Hillas, E.; Beck, J. P.; Agarwal, J.; Shea, J. Fluorapatite and fluorohydroxyapatite apatite surfaces drive adipose-derived stem cells to an osteogenic lineage. Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials 2022, 125 (2022), 104950. DOI:
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  25. Handy, J. V.; Andrews, J. L.; Perez-Beltran, S.; Powell, D. R.; Albers, R.; Whittaker-Brooks, L.; Bhuvanesh, N.; Banerjee, S. A “Li-Eye” View of Diffusion Pathways in a 2D Intercalation Material from Topochemical Single-Crystal Transformation. ACS Energy Letters 2022, 7 (6), 1960–1962. DOI: 10.1021/acsenergylett.2c00739.
  26. Flannery, L.; Hansen, K. R.; Ogle, J.; Powell, D.; Garden, K.; Whittaker-Brooks, L. Voltage Bias Stress Effects and Electronic Stability of π-Conjugated Crosslinked Tin Halide Perovskites. ACS Applied Energy Materials 2022, 5 (12), 14720-14731. DOI:
  27. Fernquist, J. R.; Fu, H. C.; Naleway, S. E. Improved structural and mechanical performance of iron oxide scaffolds freeze cast under oscillating magnetic fields. Ceramics International 2022, 48 (11), 15034-15042. DOI:
  28. Cooke, J.; Ranga, P.; Jesenovec, J.; Bhattacharyya, A.; Cheng, X.; Wang, Y.; McCloy, J. S.; Krishnamoorthy, S.; Scarpulla, M. A.; Sensale-Rodriguez, B. Photoluminescence microscopy as a noninvasive characterization method for defects in gallium oxide and aluminum gallium oxide epitaxial films. Optical Materials Express 2022, 12 (11), 4341-4353.
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  31. Chernyshev, V. S.; Chuprov-Netochin, R. N.; Tsydenzhapova, E.; Van Devener, B.; Leonov, S.; Gorin, D.; Skliar, M. Dynamic surface tension probe for measuring the concentration of extracellular vesicles. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 2022, 609, 189-194. DOI: 10.1016/j.bbrc.2022.04.017.
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  33. Banerjee, D.; Sparks, T. D. Comparing transfer learning to feature optimization in microstructure classification. iScience 2022, 25 (2). DOI:
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  35. Jin, J.; Lin, C.L.; Assemi, S.; Miller, J.D.; Butt, D.P.; Jordan, T.; Deo, M.D.; Semeykina, V. Nanopore Networks in Colloidal Silica Assemblies Characterized by XCT for Confined Fluid Flow Modeling, J. Pet. Sci. Eng. 2022, 208, 109780.
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  44. Kouraytem, N.; Chanut, R.A;, Watring, D.S.; Loveless, T.; Varga, J.; Spear, A.D.; Kingstedt, O.T.Dynamic-loading behavior and anisotropic deformation of pre- and post-heat-treated IN718 fabricated by laser powder bed fusion, Addit. Manuf. 2020, 33, 101083
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  50. Dasgupta, S.; Podder, A.; Goel, R. Response of an Aerobic Granular and Conventional Flocculated Reactors Against Changing Feed Composition from Simple Composition to More Complex, Chemosphere 2020, 253, 126694
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  53. Nelson, I.; Varga, J.; Wadsworth, P.; Mroz, M.; Kruzic, J.J.; Kingstedt, O.T.; Naleway, S.E. Helical and Bouligand Porous Scaffolds Fabricated by Dynamic Low Strength Magnetic Field Freeze Casting, JOM 2020, 72, 1498-1508
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  61. Hawkins, C.G.; Verma, A.; Horbinski, W.; Weeks, R.; Mukherjee, P.P.; Whittaker-Brooks, L. Decreasing the Ion Diffusion Pathways for the Intercalation of Multivalent Cations into One-Dimensional TiS2 Nanobelt  Arrays, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2020, 12, 21788-21798
  62. Nelson, I.; Ogden, T.A.; Khateeb, S.A.; Graser, J.; Sparks, T.D.; Abbott, J.J.; Naleway, S.E. Freeze-Casting of Surface-Magnetized Iron(II,III) Oxide Particles in a Uniform Static Magnetic Field Generated by a Helmholtz Coil, Adv. Eng. Mater. 2019, 21, 1801092(1-11)
  63. Chanana, A.; Lotfizadeh, N.; Ondori Quispe, H.O.; Gopalan, P.; Winger, J.R.; Blair, S.; Nahata, A.; Deshpande, V.V.; Scarpulla, M.; Sensale-Rodriguez, B. Manifestation of Kinetic Inductance in Terahertz Plasmon Resonances in Thin-Film Cd3As2, ACS Nano 2019, 13, 4091-4100
  64. Nelson, I.; Gardner, L.; Carlson, K.; Naleway, S.E. Freeze Casting of Iron Oxide Subject to a Tri-Axial Nested Helmholtz-Coils Driven Uniform Magnetic Field for Tailored Porous Scaffolds, Acta Mater. 2019, 173, 106-116
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  78. Abbott, E.; Brenkmann, A.; Galbraith, C.; Ong, J.; Schwerdt, I.J.; Albrecht, B.D.; Tasdizen, T.; McDonald, L.W. Dependence of UO2 Surface Morphology on Processing History Within a Single Synthetic Route, Radiochim. Acta 2019, 107, 1121-1131
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X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS)(Kratos Axis Ultra)
  1. Alnaser, H. F.; Smith, S. J.; Sparks, T. D. Structural investigations of the Bi2–xSbxTe3–ySey topological insulator. Journal of Solid State Chemistry 2023, 320, 123868. DOI:
  2. Weliwatte, N. S.; Chen, H.; Tang, Tianhua; Minteer, S. D. Three-Stage Conversion of Chemically Inert n-Heptane to α-Hydrazino Aldehyde Based on Bioelectrocatalytic C–H Bond Oxyfunctionalization. ACS catalysis 2022, 13 (1), 563-572.
  3. Marthi, R.; Yang, P.; Owusu-Fordjour, E. Y.; Smith, Y. R. Role of stacking faults and hydroxyl groups on the lithium adsorption/desorption properties of layered H2TiO3. Materials Today Advances 2022, 14. DOI:
  4. Thurston, J.H., Vitale-Sullivan, M., Koshkimbayeva, A., Smith, T.R., Cornell, K.A; 1,4,5,8-Naphthalene Tetracarboxylate Dianhydride/G-c3n4 Van Der Waals Heterojunctions Exhibit Enhanced Photochemical H2O2 Production and Antimicrobial Activity, RSC Advances; 2021, 11, 35425-35435.
  5. Sohn, H.Y., Murali, A.; Plasma Synthesis of Advanced Metal Oxide Nanoparticles and Their Applications as Transparent Conducting Oxide Thin Films, Molecules; 2021, 26, 1456.
  6. Ogle, J.; Lahiri, N.; Jaye, C.; Tassone, C.J.; Fischer, D.A.; Louie, J.; Whittaker-Brooks, L. Semiconducting to Metallic Electronic Landscapes in Defects Controlled Two-Dimensional π-d Conjugated Coordination Polymer Thin Films Adv. Funct. Mater, 2021, 31, 2006920.
  7. Ogle, J.; Powell, D.; Nordlund, D.; Smilgies, D.–M.; Whittaker-Brooks, L. Promoting Band-Like Transport in Well-Defined and Highly Conducting Polymer Thin Films via Counter-Ion Dopant and Polymerization Effects Appl. Polym. Mater., 2021, 3, 2938-2949.
  8. Lu, Y.; Li, E.; Cheng, H.; Wang, X.; Du, Z.; Cheng, F.; Miller, J.D. Effect of Oxygen Functional Groups on the Surface Properties and Flotation Response of Fine Coal, Comparison of Rank with Oxidation, Int. J. Coal Prep. Util.; 2021, 41, 290-306.
  9. Hawkins, C.G.; Verma, A.; Horbinski, W.; Weeks, R.; Mukherjee, P.; Whittaker-Brooks, L. Decreasing the Ion Diffusion Pathways for the Intercalation of Multivalent Cations in Defect-Tolerant TiS2-x Nanobelt Cathode Insertion Hosts Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2020, 12, 21788–21798.
  10. Caldwell, R.; Street, M.G.; Sharma, R.; Takmakov, P.; Baker, B.; Rieth, L. Characterization of Parylene-C Degradation Mechanisms: In Vitro Reactive Accelerated Aging Model Compared to Multi Year In Vivo Implantation, Biomaterials 2020, 232, 119731(1-17)
  11. Murali, A.; Sarswat, P.; Perez, J.P.L.; Free, M.L. Synergetic Effect of Surface Plasmon Resonance and Schottky Junction in Ag-AgX-ZnO-rGO (X= Cl & Br) Nanocomposite for Enhanced Visible-Light Driven Photocatalysis, Colloid Surface A 2020, 595, 124684
  12. Murali, A.; Sarswat, P.; Free, M.L. Minimizing Electron-Hole Pair Recombination Through Band-Gap Engineering in Novel ZnO-CeO2-rGO Ternary Nanocomposite for Photoelectrochemical and Photocatalytic Applications, Environ. Sci. Pollut. R. 2020,
  13. Cooke, J.; Ghadbeigi, L.; Sun, R.; Battacharyya, A.; Wang, Y.; Scarpulla, M.A.; Krishnamoorthy, S.; Sensale-Rodriguez; B. Synthesis and Characterization of Large‐Area Nanometer‐Thin β‐Ga2O3 Films from Oxide Printing of Liquid Metal Gallium, Phys. Status Solidi A 2020, 217, 1901007
  14. Lim, K.; Macazo, F.C.; Scholes, C.; Chen, H.; Sumampong, K.; Minteer, S.D. Elucidating the Mechanism Behind the Bionanomanufacturing of Gold Nanoparticles Using Bacillus Subtilis, ACS Appl. Bio Mater. 2020
  15. Okabe, P.; Newton, M.; Rappleye, D.; Simpson, M.F. Gas-solid Reaction Pathway for Chlorination of Rare Earth and Actinide Metals Using Hydrogen and Chlorine Gas, J. Nucl. Mater. 2020, 534, 152156
  16. Chanana, A.; Lotfizadeh, N.; Ondori Quispe, H.O.; Gopalan, P.; Winger, J.R.; Blair, S.; Nahata, A.; Deshpande, V.V.; Scarpulla, M.; Sensale-Rodriguez, B. Manifestation of Kinetic Inductance in Terahertz Plasmon Resonances in Thin-Film Cd3As2, ACS Nano 2019, 13, 4091-4100
  17. Murali, A.; Lan, Y.P.; Sarswat, P.K.; Free, M.L. Synthesis of CeO2/Reduced Graphene Oxide Nanocomposite for Electrochemical Determination of Ascorbic Acid and Dopamine and for Photocatalytic Applications, Mater. Today Chem. 2019, 12, 222-232
  18. Moghaddam, S.P.H.; Mohammadpour, R.; and Ghandehari, H. In Vitro and In Vivo Evaluation of Degradation, Toxicity, Biodistribution, and Clearance of Silica Nanoparticles as a Function of Size, Porosity, Density, and Composition, J. Control. Release 2019, 311-312, 1-15
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  20. Abbott, E.; Brenkmann, A.; Galbraith, C.; Ong, J.; Schwerdt, I.J.; Albrecht, B.D.; Tasdizen, T.; McDonald, L.W. Dependence of UO2 Surface Morphology on Processing History Within a Single Synthetic Route, Radiochim. Acta 2019, 107, 1121-1131
  21. Chanana, A.; Lotfizadeh, N.; Ondori Quispe, H.O.; Gopalan, P.; Winger, J.R.; Blair, S.; Nahata, A.; Deshpande, V.V.; Scarpulla, M.; Sensale-Rodriguez, B. Manifestation of Kinetic Inductance in Terahertz Plasmon Resonances in Thin-Film Cd3As2, ACS Nano 2019, 13, 4091-4100
  22. Bornstein, M.; Parker, D.M.; Quast, A.D.; Shumaker-Parry; J.S., Zharov, I. Reaction Conditions‐Dependent Formation of Catalytically Active Palladium Complexes or Palladium Nanoparticles on a Silica Support, ChemCatChem 2019, 11, 4360-4367
  23. Murali, A.; Lan, Y.P.; Sohn, H.Y. Effect of Oxygen Vacancies in Non-Stoichiometric Ceria on its Photocatalytic Properties, Nanostructructures and Nano-objects 2019, 18, 100257
  24. Murali, A.; Sarswat, P.K.; Sohn, H.Y. Enhanced Photocatalytic Activity and Photocurrent Properties of Plasma-Synthesized Indium-Doped Zinc Oxide Nanopowder, Mater. Today Chem. 2019, 11, 60-68
  25. Tiwari, A.; Saini, S.; Tian, K.; Yaddanapudi, H.S.; Yin, Y. High-Performance Terbium-Based Thermoelectric Materials. U.S. Patent US20180130936A1, May 10, 2018.
  26. Yin, Y.; Saini, S.; Magginetti, D.; Tian, K.; Tiwari, A. Thermoelectric Response of Porous Ca3Co4O9 Prepared by an Eco-Friendly Technique. Ceram. Int. 2017, 43, 9505-9511.
  27. Han, G.; Jin, Y.-H.; Burgess, R.A.; Dickenson, N.E.; Cao, X.-M.; Sun, Y. Visible-Light-Driven Valorization of Biomass Intermediates Integrated with H2 Production Catalyzed by Ultrathin Ni/CdS Nanosheets. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2017, 139, 15584-15587.
  28. You, B.; Liu, X.; Hu, G.; Gul, S.; Yano, J.; Jiang, D.; Sun, Y. Universal Surface Engineering of Transition Metals for Superior Electrocatalytic Hydrogen Evolution in Neutral Water. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2017, 139, 12283-12290.
  29. Degrauw, A.; Armstrong, R.; Rahman, A.A.; Ogle, J.; Whittaker-Brooks, L. Catalytic Growth of Vertically-Aligned SnS/SnS2 p-n Heterojunctions. Mater. Res. Express 2017, 4, 094002.
  30. Yu, J.; Boatz, J.A.; Tang, X.; Hicks, Z.; Bowen, K.H.; Anderson, S.L. Borane–Aluminum Surface Interactions: Enhanced Fracturing and Generation of Boron–Aluminum Core–Shell Nanoparticles. J. Phys. Chem. C 2017, 121, 14176-14190.
  31. Liu, X.; You, B.; Sun Y. Facile Surface Modification of Ubiquitous Stainless Steel Led to Competent Electrocatalysts for Overall Water Splitting. ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng. 2017, 5, 4778-4784.
  32. Jiang, N.; Liu, X.; Dong, J.; You, B.; Liu, X.; Sun, Y. Electrocatalysis of Furfural Oxidation Coupled with H2 Evolution via Nickel-Based Electrocatalysts in Water. ChemNanoMat 2017, 3, 491-495.
  33. Ren, C.; Koopman, M.; Fang, Z.Z.; Zhang, H.; Van Devener, B. A Study on the Sintering of Ultrafine Grained Tungsten with Ti-based Additives. Int. J. Refract. Metals Hard Mater. 2017, 65, 2-8.
  34. Saini, S.; Yaddanapudi, H.S.; Tian, K.; Yin, Y.; Magginetti, D.; Tiwari, A. Terbium Ion Doping in Ca3Co4O9: A Step towards High-Performance Thermoelectric Materials. Sci. Rep. 2017, 7, 44621(1-9).
  35. Zhang, Y.; Fang, Z.Z.; Xia, Y.; Sun, P.; Van Devener, B.; Free, M.; Lefler, H.; Zheng, S. Hydrogen Assisted Magnesiothermic Reduction of TiO2, Chem. Eng. J. 2017, 308, 299-310.
  36. Lahiri, N.; Lotfizadeh, N.; Tsuchikawa, R.; Deshpande, V.V.; Louie, J. Hexaaminobenzene as a Building Block for a Family of 2D Coordination Polymers. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2017, 139, 19−22.
  37. Lan, Y.-P.; Sohn, H.Y.; Mohassab, Y.; Liu, Q.; Xu, B. Nanoceria Synthesis in the KCl-LiCl Salt System: Crystal Formation and Properties. J. Am. Ceram. Soc. 2017, 100, 1863-1875.
  38. Rahman, A.A.; Huang, R.; Whittaker-Brooks, L. Distinctive Extrinsic Atom Effects on the Structural, Optical, and Electronic Properties of Bi2S3-xSex Solid Solutions. Chem. Mater. 2016, 28, 6544-6552.
  39. Jiang, N.; You, B.; Boonstra, R.; Rodriquez, I.M.T.; Sun, Y. Integrating Electrocatalytic 5-Hydroxymethylfurfural Oxidation and Hydrogen Production via Co–P-Derived Electrocatalysts.  ACS Energy Lett. 2016, 1, 386-390.
  40. Yaddanapudi, H.S.; Tian, K.; Teng, S.; Tiwari, A. Facile Preparation of Nickel/Carbonized Wood Nanocomposite for Environmentally Friendly Supercapacitor Electrodes. Sci. Rep. 2016, 6, 33659(1-9).
  41. Liu, X.; You, B.; Yu, X.-Y.; Chipman, J.; Sun, Y. Electrochemical Oxidation to Construct a Nickel Sulfide/Oxide Heterostructure with Improvement of Capacitance. J. Mater. Chem. A 2016, 4, 11611-11615.
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  43. Quast, A.D.; Bornstein, M.; Greydanus, B.J.; Zharov, I.; Shumaker-Parry, J.S. Robust Polymer-Coated Diamond Supports for Noble-Metal Nanoparticle Catalysts. ACS Catal. 2016, 6, 4729-4738.
  44. Yu, J.; McMahon, B.W.; Boatz, J.A.; Anderson, S. Aluminum Nanoparticle Production by Acetonitrile-Assisted Milling: Effects of Liquid- vs Vapor-Phase Milling and of Milling Method on Particle Size and Surface Chemistry. J. Phys. Chem. C 2016, 120, 19613-19629.
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  46. You, B.; Jiang, N.; Meili, S.; Bushan, M.W.; Sun, Y. Hierarchically Porous Urchin-Like Ni2P Superstructures Supported on Nickel Foam as Efficient Bifunctional Electrocatalysts for Overall Water Splitting. ACS Catal. 2016, 6, 714-721.
  47. You, B.; Jiang, N.; Sun, Y. Morphology–Activity Correlation in Hydrogen Evolution Catalyzed by Cobalt Sulfides. Inorg. Chem. Front. 2016, 3, 279-285.
  48. Jiang, N.; You, B.; Sheng, M.; Sun, Y. Bifunctionality and Mechanism of Electrodeposited Nickel–Phosphorous Films for Efficient Overall Water Splitting. ChemCatChem 2016, 8, 106-112.
  49. Teng, S.; Siegel, G.; Prestgard, M.; Wang, W.; Tiwari, A. Synthesis and Characterization of Copper-Infiltrated Carbonized Wood Monoliths for Supercapacitor Electrodes. Electrochim. Acta 2015, 161, 343-350.
  50. Mohassaf, Y.; Van Devener, B.; Sohn, H.Y. An X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) Study of the Effect of Water Vapor on Slag Chemistry and Structure Related to a Novel Flash Ironmaking Process: Part 1 — Experimental Work. Iron and Steel Technology 2015, 12, 179-185.
  51. You, B.; Jiang, N.; Sheng, M.; Drisdell, W.S.; Yano, J.; Sun, Y. Bimetal-Organic Framework Self-Adjusted Synthesis of SupportFree Nonprecious Electrocatalysts for Efficient Oxygen Reduction. ACS Catal. 2015, 5, 7068-7076.
  52. You, B.; Jiang, N.; Sheng, M.; Gul, S.; Yano, J.; Sun, Y. High-Performance Overall Water Splitting Electrocatalysts Derived from Cobalt-Based Metal–Organic Frameworks. Chem. Mater. 2015, 27, 7636-7642.
  53. Jiang, N.; Tang, Q.; Sheng, M.; You, B.; Jiang, D.-E.; Sun, Y. Nickel sulfides for electrocatalytic hydrogen evolution under alkaline conditions: a case study of crystalline NiS, NiS2, and Ni3S2 nanoparticles. Catal. Sci. Technol. 2016, 6, 1077-1084.
  54. Appusamy, K.; Jiao, X.; Nahata, A.; Guruswamy, S. Mg Thin Films with Al Seed Layers for UV Plasmonics, J. Phys. D Appl. Phys., 2015, 48, 184009.
  55. Park, J-W.; Shumaker-Parry, J.S. Strong Resistance of Citrate Anions on Metal Nanoparticles to Desorption under Thiol Functionalization. ACS Nano 2015, 9, 1665-1682.
  56. McMahon, B.W.; Yu, J., Boatz, J.A.; Anderson, S.L. Rapid Aluminum Nanoparticle Production by Milling in NH3 and CH3NH2 Atmospheres: An Experimental and Theoretical Study. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2015, 7, 16101-16116.
  57. Nan, J.; You, B.; Sun, Y. Electrodeposited Cobalt-Phosphorous-Derived Films as Competent Bifunctional Catalysts for Overall Water Splitting. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2015, 54, 6251-6254.
  58. Perez, J.P.L.; Yu, J.; Sheppard, A.J.; Chambreau, S.D.; Vaghjiani, G.L.; Anderson, S.L. Binding of Alkenes and Ionic Liquids to B−H-Functionalized Boron Nanoparticles: Creation of Particles with Controlled Dispersibility and Minimal Surface Oxidation. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2015, 7, 9991-10003.
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  62. Park, J.; Shumaker-Parry, J.S. Structural Study of Citrate Layers on Gold Nanoparticles: Role of Intermolecular Interactions in Stabilizing Nanoparticles. J. Am, Chem. Soc. 2014, 136, 1907-1921.
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  65. Shem, P.M.; Sardar, R.; Shumaker-Parry, J.S. Soft Ligand Stabilized Gold Nanoparticles: Incorporation of Bipyridyls and Two-Dimensional Assembly. J. Colloid Interf. Sci. 2014, 426, 107-116.
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  72. Yoo, J.-M.; Negi, S.; Tathireddy, P.; Solzbacher, F.; Song, J.-I.; Rieth, L.W. Excimer Laser Deinsulation of Parylene-C on Iridium for Use in an Activated Iridium Oxide Film-Coated Utah Electrode Array. J. Neurosci. Meth. 2013, 1, 78-87.
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Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) (Bruker Dimension)
  1. Siddique, A. U.; Xie, R.; Horlacher, D.; Warren, R. Nanoscale Patterning of Surface Nanobubbles by Focused Ion Beam. Langmuir 2024, 40 (28), 14613-14622.
  2. Cooke, J.; Ranga, P.; Bhattacharyya, A.; Cheng, X.; Wang, Y.; Krishnamoorthy, S.; Scarpulla, M. A.; Sensale-Rodriguez, B. Sympetalous defects in metalorganic vapor phase epitaxy (MOVPE)-grown homoepitaxial β-Ga2O3 films. Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A: Vacuum, Surfaces, and Films 2023, 41 (1), 013406.
  3. Yomogida, Y.; Horiuchi, K.; Okada, R.; Kawai, H.; Ichinose, Y.; Nishidome, H.; Ueji, K.; Komatsu, N.; Gao, W.; Kono, J.; et al. Hall effect in gated single-wall carbon nanotube films. Scientific Reports 2022, 12 (101). DOI:
  4. Cooke, J.; Ranga, P.; Jesenovec, J.; Bhattacharyya, A.; Cheng, X.; Wang, Y.; McCloy, J. S.; Krishnamoorthy, S.; Scarpulla, M. A.; Sensale-Rodriguez, B. Photoluminescence microscopy as a noninvasive characterization method for defects in gallium oxide and aluminum gallium oxide epitaxial films. Optical Materials Express 2022, 12 (11), 4341-4353.
  5. Cooke, J. Optical and Structural Properties of Gallium Oxide and Aluminum Gallium Oxide Alloys: A Characterization of the Effects of Extended Defects. University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah, 2022.
  6. Chernyshev, V. S.; Chuprov-Netochin, R. N.; Tsydenzhapova, E.; Van Devener, B.; Leonov, S.; Gorin, D.; Skliar, M. Dynamic surface tension probe for measuring the concentration of extracellular vesicles. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 2022, 609, 189-194. DOI: 10.1016/j.bbrc.2022.04.017.
  7. Ogle, J.; Lahiri, N.; Jaye, C.; Tassone, C.J.; Fischer, D.A.; Louie, J.; Whittaker-Brooks, L. Semiconducting to Metallic Electronic Landscapes in Defects Controlled Two-Dimensional π-d Conjugated Coordination Polymer Thin Films Adv. Funct. Mater, 2021, 31, 2006920.
  8. Powell, D.; Campbell, E.; Flannery, L.; Ogle, J.; Whittaker-Brooks, L. Steric Hindrance Dependence on the Spin and Morphology Properties of Highly Oriented Self-Doped Organic Small Molecule Thin Films. Mater. Adv., 2021, 2, 356-365.
  9. Ogle, J.; Powell, D.; Nordlund, D.; Smilgies, D.–M.; Whittaker-Brooks, L. Promoting Band-Like Transport in Well-Defined and Highly Conducting Polymer Thin Films via Counter-Ion Dopant and Polymerization Effects Appl. Polym. Mater., 2021, 3, 2938-2949.
  10. Flannery, L.; Ogle, J.; Powell, D.; Tassone, C.J.; Whittaker-Brooks, L. Voltage Bias Stress Effects in Organic-Inorganic Halide Perovskites are Strongly Dependent on Morphology and Ion Migration Pathways J. Mater. Chem. A, 2020, 8, 25109-25119.
  11. Eisner, B.A.; Ranga, P.; Bhattacharyya, A.; Krishnamoorthy, S.; Scarpulla, M.A. Compensation in (201) Homoepitaxial β-Ga2O3 Thin Films Grown by Metalorganic Vapor-Phase Epitaxy, J. Appl. Phys.; 2020, 128, 195703.
  12. Cooke, J.; Ghadbeigi, L.; Sun, R.; Battacharyya, A.; Wang, Y.; Scarpulla, M.A.; Krishnamoorthy, S.; Sensale-Rodriguez; B. Synthesis and Characterization of Large‐Area Nanometer‐Thin β‐Ga2O3 Films from Oxide Printing of Liquid Metal Gallium, Phys. Status Solidi A 2020, 217, 1901007
  13. Shen, H.; Baskaran, K.; Yin, Y.; Duan, L.; Zhao, X.; Tiwari, A. Effect of Thickness on the Performance of Solar Blind Photodetectors Fabricated Using PLD Grown β-Ga2O3 Thin Films, J. Alloy Compd. 2020, 822, 153419
  14. Gopalan, P.; Chanana, A.; Krishnamoorthy, S.; Nahata, A.; Scarpulla, M.; Sensale-Rodriguez, B. Ultrafast THz Modulators with WSe2 Thin Films, Opt. Mater. Express 2019, 9, 826-836
  15. Magginetti, D.J.; Aguiar, J.A.; Winger, J.W.; Scarpulla, M.A.; Pourshaban, E.; Yoon, H.P.  Water‐Assisted Liftoff of Polycrystalline CdS/CdTe Thin Films Using Heterogeneous Interfacial Engineering, Adv. Mater. Interfaces, 2019, 6, 1900300
  16. Murali, A.; Sarswat, P.K.; Sohn, H.Y. Enhanced Photocatalytic Activity and Photocurrent Properties of Plasma-Synthesized Indium-Doped Zinc Oxide Nanopowder, Mater. Today Chem. 2019, 11, 60-68
  17. Tabib-Azar, M.; Likhite, R. Nano-Particle VO2 Insulator-Metal Transition Field-Effect Switch with 42 mV/decade Sub-Threshold Slope, Electronics 2019, 8, 151
  18. Ogle, J.; Powell, D.; Amerling, E.; Smilgies, D.M.; Whittaker-Brooks, L. Quantifying Multiple Crystallite Orientations and Crystal Heterogeneities in Complex Thin Film Materials, CrystEngComm 2019, 21, 5707-5720
  19. Shen, H.; Yin, Y.; Tian, K.; Baskaran, K.; Duan, L.; Zhao, X.; Tiwari, A. Growth and Characterization of b-Ga2O3 Thin Flms by Sol-Gel Method for Fast Response Solar Blind Ultraviolet Photodetectors, J. Alloy Compd. 2018, 766, 601-608
  20. Nimens, W.J.; Ogle, J.; Caruso, A.; Jonely, M.; Simon. C.; Smilgies, D.; Noriega, R.; Scarpulla, M.; Whittaker-Brooks, L. Morphology and Optoelectronic Variations Underlying the Nature of the Electron Transport Layer in Perovskite Solar Cells, ACS Appl. Energy Mater. 2018, 1, 602-615
  21. Tian, K.; Tudu, B.; Tiwari, A. Growth and Characterization of Zinc Oxide Thin Films on Flexible Substrates at Low Temperature Using Pulsed Laser Deposition. Vacuum 2017, 146, 483-491.
  22. Majumder, A.; Wan, X.; Masid, F.; Pollock, B.J.; Andrew, T.L.; Soppera, O.; Menon, R. Reverse-Absorbance-Modulation-Optical Lithography for Optical Nanopatterning at Low Light Levels. AIP Advances, 2016, 6, 065312(1-6).
  23. Siegel, G.P.; Prestgard, M.C.; Yang, H.Y.; Tiwari, A. Spin Current Response in Bi-YIG/Pt Thin Film Heterostructures Induced by Gamma Radiation. IEEE Electr. Device L. 2015, 36, 853-855.
  24. Siegel, G.P.; Subbaiah, Y.P.V.; Prestgard, M.C.; Tiwari, A. Growth of Centimeter-Scale Atomically Thin MoS2 Films by Pulsed Laser Deposition. APL Mater. 2015, 3, 056103-(1-5).
  25. Wang, P.; Menon, R. Ultra-High-Sensitivity Color Imaging via a Transparent Diffractive-Filter Array and Computational Optics. Optica 2015, 2, 933-939.
  26. Wang, P.; Dominguez-Caballero, J.A.; Friedman, D.J.; Menon, R. A New Class of Multi-Bandgap High-Efficiency Photovoltaics Enabled by Broadband Diffractive Optics. Prog. Photovolt.: Res. Appl. 2015, 23, 1073-1079.
  27. Wang, P.; Menon, R. Optical Microlithography on Oblique and Multiplane Surfaces Using Diffractive Phase Masks. Micro/Nanolithography, MEMS and MOEMS 2015, 14, 023507.
  28. Chen, D.; Minteer, S.D. Mechanistic Study of Nickel Based Catalysts for Oxygen Evolution and Methanol Oxidation in Alkaline Medium. J. Power Sources 2015, 284, 27-37.
  29. Appusamy, K.; Jiao, X.; Blair, S.; Nahata, A.; Guruswamy, S. Mg Thin Films with Al Seed Layers for UV Plasmonics, J. Phys. D Appl. Phys. 2015, 48, 184009.
  30. Erkan, M.E.; Chawla, V.; Repins, I.; Scarpulla, M.A. Interplay Between Surface Preparation and Device Performance in CZTSSe Solar Cells: Effects of KCN and NH4OH Etching. Sol. Energ. Mat. Sol. C. 2015, 136, 78.
  31. Wang, P., and Menon, R., Computational Spectrometer Based on a Broadband Diffractive Optic. Opt. Express, 2014, 22, 14575 – 14587.
  32. Seo, J.-S. and Poulter, C.D., Sandwich Antibody Arrays Using Recombinant Antibody-Binding Protein L. Langmuir, 2014, 30, 6629−6635.
  33. Wang, P.; Ebeling, C.; Gerton, J.; Menon, R. Hyper-spectral Imaging in Scanning-Confocal-Fluorescence Microscopy Using a Novel Broadband Diffractive Optic. Opt. Commun. 2014, 324, 73-80.
  34. Allhusen, J.S.; Conboy, J.C. Preparation and Characterization of Conductive and Transparent Ruthenium Dioxide Sol−Gel Films. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces. 2013, 5, 11683-11691.
  35. Yoo, J.-M.; Negi, S.; Tathireddy, P.; Solzbacher, F.; Song, J.-I.; Rieth, L.W. Excimer Laser Deinsulation of Parylene-C on Iridium for Use in an Activated Iridium Oxide Film-Coated Utah Electrode Array. J. Neurosci. Meth. 2013, 215, 78-87
  36. Stoikov, I.I.; Yushkova, E.A.; Bukharaev, A.A.; Biziaev, D.; Selivanovskaya, S.Y.; Chursina, M.A.; Antipin, I.S.; Konovalova, A.I.; Zharov, I. Self-assembly of p-tert-butyl thiacalix[4]arenes and Metal Cations into Nanoscale Three-Dimensional Particles. J. Phys. Org. Chem. 2012, 25, 1177-1185.
  37. Yoo, J.-M.; Sharma, A.; Tanthireddy, P.; Rieth, L.W.; Solzbacher, F.; Song, J.-I. Excimer-Laser Deinsulation of Parylene-C Coated Utah Electrode Array Tips. Sensors Actuat. B-Chem. 2012, 166-167, 777-786.
  38. Brimhall, N.; Andrew, T. L.; Manthena, R.V.; Menon, R. Breaking the Far-Field Diffraction Limit in Optical Nanopatterning via Repeated Photochemical and Electrochemical Transitions in Photochromic Molecules. Phys. Rev. Lett. 2011, 107, 205501/1-205501/5.
  39. Che, Y.; Huang, H.; Xu, M.; Zhang, C.; Bunes, B.R.; Yang, X.; Zang, L. Interfacial Engineering of Organic Nanofibril Heterojunctions into Highly Photoconductive Materials. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2011, 133, 1087-1091
  40. Jeong, J.; Mascaro, D.; Blair, S. Precise Pixel Patterning of Small Molecule Organic Light-Emitting Devices by Spin Casting. Org. Electron. 2011, 12, 2095-2102.
  41. Steinebach, H.; Kannan, S.; Rieth, L.; Solzbacher, F. H2 Gas Sensor Performance of NiO at High Temperatures in Gas Mixtures. Sensor Actuat. B-Chem. 2010, 151, 162-168.
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